Man Swallowed By a Whale


June 14, 2021

You might have heard the biblical story of Jonah and thought that something of that sort was virtually impossible; however, a commercial Lobster diver in the United States is now counting his blessings after he survived being swallowed up by a humpback whale recently.


According to the man whose name is Michael Packard, on Friday he was diving off the coast of Province, Massachusetts at approximately 8 am when the horrifying incident occurred. Packard said he had decided to dive specifically at Herring Cove Beach, going 35 feet underwater when he felt what he described as a “huge shove”, after which he said the area all around him got black.

He knew he was swallowed by a whale when he felt the muscles of the sea creature squeezing in on him, as well as him sensing a movement. Then Packard said that all he could think about are his 12 and 15-year-old sons while fearing the loss of his life; however, according to him, he got a glimmer of hope when he no longer could feel the teeth of the mammal.

After a few moments, the man said he felt the whale shaking his head, leading to it spitting him back out. Michael said his first thought was an air of disbelief since he thought it’s impossible to escape the confining situation. “I got thrown in the air and landed in the water and I was free”, Says Michael

He was later rushed to the hospital after his boat partner, Josiah Mayo, witnessed the whale ejecting him. Luckily for Packard, he only sustained minor injuries to his leg tissues even though he was swallowed up for about 40 seconds.

Michael Packard, before and after the Whale incident

According to Joke Robbins who directs studies into Humpback whales in Provincetown, the animal’s mouth might just have been opened as a way to catch fish when it stumbled upon the diver, eventually swallowing him. It was also noted that it’s the second time something like this happened in the area, however, the last time was decades ago.

“As soon as I’m healed up I will be back in the water”, Michael concluded.

Learn more from the video report below.


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