Mark Golding Says SOE “Failed” and Votes Against It


November 27, 2021

The president of the PNP Mark Golding recently spoke out from the side of the Opposition, stating that they are not in support of the extension of the State Of Emergencies that have been implemented across seven areas in the country. Golding referred to the SOE’s as a “failed” and “suspect” strategy, noting that the security measures have been ineffective in fighting crime.


As a result of the strong opinion held by the PNP president, the opposition on Thursday voted against a motion to have the SOE’s extended and on Friday Golding commented on the matter stating the reason for his party’s disagreement. One of the first things highlighted by the leader of the Opposition was that between the years 2017 and 2020, SOE’s were utilized to fight crime but instead, the crime rate has only climbed since then and so the security measure brings no lasting improvement.

Golding also referred to crime-fighting and prosecutorial processes that have been weakened by the State of Emergency implementations, since the Police under the SOE’s can arrest persons without question or recourse which according to him defeats the purpose of the police to investigate and prepare cases properly to cause conviction.

As it relates to the criticisms that have been sent the way of the JLP since the side they are on was revealed, the opposition leader stated that his party agrees with laws that help the security forces to be more effective and on mentioning that Golding drew reference to several areas where the PNP effected changes such as the DNA evidence law, the amendment to the evidence act and the ability for the country to now be able to have access to computer-generated evidence through the Jamaica eye system, the Anti-gang legislation and the Anti-lottery scamming legislation which he claims his party made happen.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Holness was one of the persons who bashed those against the State Of Emergency implementations however, Mark Golding in response to what the Government leader thought about the critics, highlighted that a Government that’s in respect of the rule of law would not utilise a fail system such as the SOE’s to fight crime.

Learn more from the report below.


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