Memory Loss Issue Clarified by Kaylan’s Mom


July 20, 2021

Kaylan Dowdie, the teenager that was badly beaten by women and hit in her head with a bottle, at a party in St. Andrew; has been recuperating in hospital for over 6 months. The latest on Kaylan is that she is having serious back pains because the nerves are coming alive and there is no pain killer that works, it causes her to cry a lot, says her mother Veneshia Buckley.


However, she is getting a bit stronger and she was able to brush her teeth for the first time this week, as one of her hands is getting stronger than the other. The Mom says she has memory lapses, not a full memory loss. She remembers things, as she has short term memory loss but she remembers her distant past. She survived 9 heart failures, sepsis and seizures, she has come a far way, Veneshia outlined.

The wailing mother continued by stating that the media said Kaylan had memory loss, but it is not so, she actually has memory lapses. Her breathing is improving even though she is still on the vent, but she is improving slowly. Based on the extent of her injuries she is doing great, but the media tends to twist words and put out stories that are not totally correct.

The injured girl is not able to talk like others because her voice is not back as yet, however, Dowdie is reported to be strong and upbeat when she is not in pain. Her mother believes her daughter will make it if people continue to pray for her, because God has been keeping them throughout the ordeal. 

The teen is living through a terrible trauma, and she does not want to eat sometimes. This adds to her pain and discomfort also. 

Veneshia is asking the media to ask her what to put out because their representative simply asked how Kaylan was doing and she said she has no memory of what happened at the party, but the story said she had complete memory loss. It is possible that the teen might see the incorrect news on her phone and it would be very distressing for her if that happened.

The Memory loss news broke after reports of the police requesting a statement from Kaylan about what took place on the night of question. Kaylan’s mother told the media that Kaylan does not remember what took place on the night. According to the Police, they requested a statement before but were told of the seriousness of Dowdie’s condition hence why they had to give it some more time, but nothing has changed.

Charged for unlawful wounding and wounding with intent are “22-year-old waitress Timone Williams; 33-year-old Nadine Aldridge, who is unemployed; 28-year-old call centre representative Schakenna McLeod; 26-year-old sales rep Crysian Lewis; and 45-year-old labourer Yoland Vassell”.

The accused were all told to return to the Kingston and St. Andrew court in September, with hopes that there will be some form of progress in the teenager for her to provide the police with a statement.

According to the reports Dowdie was said to be at an event when she was accused by one of the women for staring at her, which led to the brutal battering.

On the other hand, Kaylan Dowdie’s mother is now officially an evangelist, and this has been confirmed just recently after her most recent YouTube video. Veneshia Buckley has been talking about making the move and starting her ministries for some time now however, she finally made the decision and took the big step.


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