Minister Marion Hall To Build New Church and Start Preaching


January 5, 2020

Minister Marion Hall formerly Lady Saw took some time out to send a new years message to her fans online. While eating ice cream she joked about going to Jim on a regular this year.


Ms. Hall then went on to outline her plans for the future.

“He told me it’s time to preach,” Says Marion while recording herself seemingly on her phone, Hall stated that what she’s about to do is not her plan, but the Lord planned it for her.

She explains that she was already given a name to call the church by God who also told her to start building while she was in Birmingham, England.

lady saw marion hall minister

Hall also states that she will be releasing a book titled “Domage Good”, a third album is also on the way as she managed to record some great gospel tracks.

“Last year and the year before, i was in my valley,” Hall says spiritually she as grown and she urges others to open their hearts and let god in “the holy anointing will shine upon you”.

One person commented “Yuh waah build Well Needed Facilities for the community,caah church,cyaa help dem!! kmt” while another said “Ohhhhhh I jus love you!! Have a blessed year”.

Watch more from Minister Hall in the video below!


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