Motorcyclist Crashed In St Elizabeth – Watch Video


January 8, 2023

A motorcyclist was struck by a car along a street in the south-central town of Junction in St Elizabeth. The collision occurred around midday on Sunday, and the motorcyclist was transported to the hospital with injuries. 


The Jamaica Observer released closed-circuit television footage of the accident, which showed the motorcyclist colliding with a car that appeared to have turned in the path of the rider.

The footage shows that the motorcyclist was thrown into the air from the forceful impact of the collision. The clip ends shortly after the incident.

RELATED: Video Showing 8-Vehicle Collision On Constant Spring Road

According to the Jamaica Observer, there have been two other road fatalities in the Junction policing region since 2023 started.

The report states that the victims of the collisions were a motorcyclist and a pedestrian. The pedestrian was struck in a hit-and-run incident on January 6 and died in the hospital on January 7.

Watch the video of the collision below:


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