Nigel Clarke Releases Document Proving Bolt Had Account at SSL Under Liability Company Since 2012 – See Post

In response to the claims made by the former executives of SSL stating that they were not aware that Bolt had an account with the SSL organization, sprint legend Usain bolt has since hit back with a recent tweet stating that it is all a PR stunt by SSL to distract the public.

The Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Nigel Clark, seemingly acknowledges that recent claims by the former leaders of SSL were misleading and false and has since made public a document proving that Bolt indeed had an account with the organization.

In a recent tweet, the minister posted a document that reads, “The Temporary Manager of Stocks and Security Limited (“SSL”), appointed by the Financial Services Commission (“FSC”), has confirmed to me the existence of an account at SSL in the name of a limited liability company owned by Ambassador Usain Bolt. He has further confirmed to me that this account dates back to 2012.”

In addition to the latest bombshell revelation by the Minister of Finance, local journalist Abka Fitz-Henly also made a tweet concerning the matter that states, “The majority of withdrawals from the a/c of the company Welljen LLC which @usainbolt used to invest funds in Stocks & Securities Ltd were done under the name & purported signature of an ex-member of Bolt’s team, a source close to the probe has exclusively revealed.”

RELATED: Usain Bolt Warns of “All The PR Distractions” – See Post and Photos

Zachary Harding of Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL), in a recent interview, denied knowing Usain Bolt was a client of the company between September 2019 and June 2022, which is when he served as CEO, contrary to this latest revelation.


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