On May 4th Yahoo Answers will be shut Down forever

One of the most storied Q&A that was the longest-running on the internet is shutting down on May 4th. On that day the Yahoo Answers website will begin redirecting to the Yahoo homepage, and all the archives for Yahoo Answers will cease to exist.

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Yahoo Answers has been operating since 2005 and some critics say it had both bad questions and worse answers.

Yahoo has become a part of Verizon Media Group, it was sold to the telecom in 2017 and the change was announced at the top of the Yahoo Answers page. 

Users can request their data before June 30th, after that it will no longer be accessible.

It is said the wayward souls who used the website will now get credible information elsewhere.

A note was sent to the platform’s most active users stating that the platform had become less popular over the years and a decision was made by the company to shift their resources to other products that better serve their members.


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