One1Can says Miss Kitty and Her Eating Turned him Off


April 22, 2021

“Mi Want a VIP Girl”, this is what the popular journalist said, Milton Wray who became an artiste whose stage name is One1Can. He dated Miss Kitty a few years ago and said he was turned off because she ate too much, but he likes her new designer body but the way she talks about ‘bruk pocket’ men now and how she influences women to stay away from them, is not good. 


He believes Miss Kitty is an influencer and she should realize that and stop encouraging women to sell themselves. It can be seen as a travesty that she who has so much influence could openly encourage women to only date men, just for material gain. In these times when women are at high risk, they are going missing and some are killed. He thinks that argument is setting up women. He wants the women to listen to him when he says “do not date a man for what he has”. He sees that as lowlife behavior. As women should be ladies with dignity, pride and self-respect. 

It seems like he preferred the old days when women acted like the “Gentler sex”. 

One1Can talked about the past when women refused to take anything from men whenever they went on dates.  There were ladies who displayed dignity when men offered them funds or material things, these ladies would be offended by it. Many of them returned the gifts they got even if the man left them at their doors. That is the self-respect that he thinks Miss Kitty should be encouraging at this time. 

He said Miss Kitty’s narrow outlook on life is only fuelling a war between the sexes and he thinks women should be willing to grow with their life partners, and Miss Kitty’s way of thinking should be pushed aside by people in the society. He thinks her plans are insincere and he is glad they didn’t get to be a happy couple.
