Osime Brown’s Deportation from Uk to Jamaica Cancelled, Here’s Why


June 16, 2021

Brown’s family celebrated when they realized that their campaign to halt the deportation of the 22-year-old autistic young man to Jamaica was successful. Osime Brown has been in the UK since he was 4-years-old with his mother. After he was accused of stealing a mobile phone from a friend, he was locked up even though he said he was innocent.


On the weekend demonstrations were held in London and Glasgow, his mother Joan Martin fought to halt her son’s deportation and her campaign had gathered momentum. Martin believes the Home Office made the right decision to allow her son to stay with his loving family. She cried and said their fight shows that people should never give up.

Martin argued that her son had no one in Jamaica to support him and she feared he would not survive in Jamaica if he was deported. She also expressed her gratitude to the many persons who supported her campaign and she thanked the home office staff as well.

According to his mother, Osime asked her if he was to be deported, whether or not he would be able to take a bus to go visit her at her home, she outlines that he is a child in a man’s body.

Brown now reportedly has post-traumatic stress disorder, a heart condition and he is depressed. He was previously sentenced to 5 years, for perverting the course of justice for attempted robbery and robbery.

Under the 2007 Borders Act, foreign nationals convicted of crimes who got prison sentences of 12 months or longer, will be automatically considered for deportation, in order to protect the public. There was a deadline on Tuesday and the decision to deport Brown was considered by the immigration tribunal before officials stated that they were not proceeding with the deportation plans any longer.

Learn more from his mother below.


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