Overseas Gangsters are Destroying Jamaica Says Politicians


July 24, 2021

The Minister of National Security, Horace Chang and MP Mr. Phillip Paulwell, who represent some of the most volatile communities in Jamaica, are now saying, they should not be blamed for the number of illegal guns on the island and they are asking foreign partners to cut off the flow of guns from their end.


The matter was raised at the joint select committee meeting in parliament when the review was done for the ZOSO legislation recently. The Member of Parliament, Mr. Paulwell said he has been very careful when he is doing projects in his constituency.

National Security Minister, Dr. Horace Chang said gangsters who live in the USA and the UK are smuggling guns and ammunition into the country and ordering hits, shipping weapons, scamming and influencing the unattached youth in Jamaica.

The number of murders committed this year have been more than it was last year at this time, as 788 Jamaicans were killed this year compared to 738 killed at this time last year.

The local crime situation continues to spiral out of control, while the foreign partners are reportedly putting pressure on the local politicians. Local leaders are now looking overseas for more help asking foreign partners to do more.

Watch more on the news report below.


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