Police Officers Demand More Pay – Video


November 25, 2021

Frustrated groups of Police Officers congregated today at the Supreme Court in Downtown Kingston, in protest of needing to be paid more and needing to be paid for years of overtime they did without compensation. The case was raised against the Government, and in the protest, the Police officers wore black and red, as they read out their demands from their group of over 300.


Negotiations for extra time payment began in 2008, and the decision was made by the Government to have the Officers be paid for their lawful extra hours, however, payments have not been done as expected.

Most recently the federation of the Police consisting of several ranks of Officers wrote to the Government on a new offer, for which they agreed to have the recorded overtime from the year 2008 to 2015 forgone, but have also requested a lump sum of money in compensation in addition to rest paid which they want to be considered within a two-year timeframe.

The Jamaica Observer who brought the news showed many officers gathering at the courthouse demanding their payments as well as regular civilians, who were defending them and letting the media know they needed to be properly compensated due to the great job they have been doing in certain inner-city communities.

Check out the protest below.


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