Spice’s Boo Confronts Her About Raunchy Dancing On Stage “Tone that Sh!t Down!”


August 22, 2021

In an episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta, Spice and her boo Justin Budd made a recent appearance which saw a verbal conflict breaking out between the two about the Dancehall Queen getting back on the road.


According to the female deejay, who was playing the role of her more modest side; Grace while preparing food for her children and partner, she and Justin had a pandemic relationship that is about to change and will see her needing to switch from black wig mode to her more famous blue wig signature style.

Budd did not like the sound of that and started to express himself about the matter even though Spice was telling him to get ready for the change.

In speaking his truth, Justin told Spice that he never wants to see her grinding or dancing with anyone else as it lets him feel away at times even though he knows her music is sexually provocative.

In affirming his position in the entertainer’s life, Budd went on to tell her that she has to know that she is with someone right now and in a show of seriousness, her partner told her to watch what she is doing.

That did not make Spice happy, and she rebutted at Justin by letting him know that he knew who she was before and that those are the things that come with behind Queen of Dancehall.

“But mi affi whine” says Spice while Justin replied saying, “That’s fck music to me,” he went on to outline that it’s not in his fantasy to watch his woman with other men, Spice replied saying, “thats’ a low blow” and walked away.

Being very determined in what he expects, however, Budd is not having it and does not want to see his boo Spice gyrating on another man.

Will Spice be her usual self where performance is concerned or will she take out some of the seasonings, and “Cool it”? We will have to wait to see how this domestic controversy unfolds.

Watch the two arguing about the stage performance below on the show.


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