St. Jago High School students Traumatised after fatal shooting


January 26, 2018

[Sharingbuttons]Police and gun men took part in a shout-out in Spanish Town in the vicinity of St. Jago high school, Reports are that shots wrong out about 11am which had students running for safety. One of the Gun-man ran onto the school compound in a quest to evade the police. According to one student “I heard a lot of shots and teacher told us that we should head to the auditorium,” she said. “Some people never hear the shots so they were like “what’s going on?’ and then they start running.”


The students went to the school’s auditorium during the gun battle between the gunmen and cops, they waited their for an hour before being released and sent home. After the smoke clears one man was left dead, but the police have not released his identity.

Counseling was made available for traumatised students and teachers, The Spanish Town Police Department is currently investigating the matter! Similar shootings took place back in 2011.


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