St. James Cop Charged for Lottery Scamming

January 13, 2019, 5:23 PM (GMT-5)


A Constable who was connected to the St. James division was detained after investigations proved that he was receiving messages from an associate.

Constable Derrol Williams was charged after he caused a false declaration to be made at Customs, he had an illegal firearm and he was associated with an individual who landed at the Sangsters International Airport in Montego Bay, Jamaica at approximately 12:35 on December 27, 2017.

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The passenger who boarded the flight in Orlando was investigated after US$14,000.00 or Ja$ 1813,985.00 was found in his luggage and seized by officers who were connected to the Anti Lottery Scamming Task Force.

Further investigations were done; a phone that belonged to the passenger was searched and messages that were sent to Constable Williams were found, they were receipts from a remittance agency, photos of credit cards were among the messages found on the passengers cell phone. This showed that Constable Williams and the passenger were associates.

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