Tarrus Riley looks to help tackle crime in Jamaica


December 13, 2017

[Sharingbuttons]Tarrus gets serious on his last song “Graveyard”, produced by Tariq “Rvssian” Johnston. He had done so many songs that were just for the ladies before. Songs like “She’s Royal” and Gimme likkle One Drop”, the song Graveyard makes you look at Jamaica’s serious crime problem. Tarrus Riley even speaks about possible solutions he would like to present to the Politicians.


“Graveyard” is one of the many songs on Johnston’s Moscow rhythm and Taurus is hoping that it will cause people to look at Jamaica as a beautiful place instead of a place that is riddled by crime and corruption. He was also a part of the Crime Free Christmas initiative, which was led by guitarist Lamont “Monty” Savory in 2016. 


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