Taxi Man Tries to Outrun Police – Watch Video


April 10, 2024

A Jamaican taxi driver made a futile attempt to escape the police. It is unclear what the taxi driver did, but he was intercepted by a police vehicle.


The incident was captured by a passenger in a different car, which was directly behind the taxi driver’s vehicle. Despite the taxi operator being trapped between the police vehicle and another car, the taxi driver reverses in hopes of getting out of the situation.

A loud horn is heard at one point, seemingly the taxi driver signalling the next driver to move so that he could escape. However, when the other driver did not move, the taxi struck the vehicle.

Shortly after, a policeman with a gun appears in the video and attempts to get the taxi driver out of the vehicle while instructing the other driver to remain where he is.

Nevertheless, the other driver drives away, prompting the taxi driver to continue reversing and almost hitting a man who had to jump against a wall to avoid being hit.

Near the end of the video, the taxi driver collides in a wall. The date and the location of the incident are currently unknown.

Watch the video of the incident below:

After Quest Time shared the video on Instagram on Wednesday, the post garnered over 2000 likes and many humorous responses from viewers.

One viewer said, “The man scale the wall fast yf😂😂😂 think a him the police did want to how him a move.”

Another viewer said, “Dawg say him gone inno😂 me nah right up no report 😂😂😅brawlin.”

Read more of the comments below:


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