The Leaders of both Political Parties Discusses Crime Management


January 4, 2019

Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Opposition Leader Dr. Peter Phillips discussed matters pertaining to national security on Wednesday in private talks at Vale Royal.


The meeting followed the Oppositions decision to stop supporting the three states of emergencies that were imposed across many parishes in 2018, which led to a reduction in crime, particularly murders.
 Dr. Phillips and his team was invited to meet with the Prime Minister on Monday, and even though he were uncertain he would be able to be there. He managed to attend.

The end of the security measures has been bad for the Governments crime fighting measures. There has been a drastic reduction in the number of murders in the parishes where the State of Emergency SOE was implemented.
However, even though the opposition had supported the SOE before, they now say they are unconstitutional and they were no longer effective.

Both the Commissioner of Police, Major General Anthony Anderson and the Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Rocky Meade had agreed that the security measures should be extended. Due to the success and the fact that they wanted the gains they made to be lasting.


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