USA Now has Most COVID19 Cases in the World


March 27, 2020

President Trump and His New Plans to Protect the US Now that the Most COVID19 Cases in the World are Found There.


There are a lot of developments happening, as the Covid 19 Pandemic has reached another alarming milestone and the US has more infected persons than any other country in the world, more than 83,000, it passed China and Italy. The Global number of infected persons have reached half a million.

Front line workers around the world are now running out of protective gears.

In Canada over 4000 persons have been infected and hospitals are running short on protective supplies and Mr. Trudeau is promising to supply health workers with what they need.

Justin Trudeau promised help is on the way, he says needed protective gears and equipment will be provided soon.

The Chinese are planning to send supplies to the US and Canada. When China had the crisis it was Canada who had stepped up to send medical equipment to Hubei and now Canada is in need of the help.

This is a Global crisis that requires global cooperation and response if we are to keep each other safe, China agrees are now ready to send ventilators and other badly needed equipment to Canada.

There is a plan to give up to $2000 a month to Canadians who have lost their jobs by the CRA or Canada Revenue Agency. The CRA expects more than 4 million Canadians to apply, but the web portal is not yet up.     

There is a new mandatory self-isolating rule for all Canadians who are returning to Canada and if they don’t comply with the rules they will be locked up and face huge fines.

Canadians are not to stop at the grocery store or anywhere else and if they do not comply, they will face serious fines and more.

The new self-isolation rules for 14 days are being enforced in a strict way for persons who enter Canada at this time.        

Travelers who are sick and can make it home in their own vehicles can do so, but they will need to register with public health authorities so they can get regular visits from health workers.

Those who arrive at airports and are too ill to drive will be taken directly to a special facility, but there has not been many persons in that situation.

The Canadian infection rate is climbing, more than 600 new cases were reported across the country, Quebec reported 290 bringing the total to more than 1600, 858 confirmed in Ontario, of those 20 people are in hospital on ventilators. In total 39 people have died. Many of those who have died returned from travel to places including the US, who has the most cases in the world at this time.

The American President is thinking of sending troops to the Canadian border to detect people who are illegally crossing from Canada to the US. With the Covid-19 crisis, they don’t want infected people to come into the US. 

Mr. Trump also says there is an illegal trade with Canada, there is steel that he doesn’t like, and it is coming through the border after it was dumped. The border was not militarized before and Canada has been pushing back very hard against this in private. Many persons are saying the Presidents statement is damaging to an important relationship with Canada.

The President also says it is equal justice because there are military troops at the border between the US and Mexico so there should be the same security at the Canadian border as well.

The American troops are using remote sensor technology to find people who are trying to cross the border illegally and report to the US border patrol personnel, as they are not allowed to enforce laws, but they are assisting by providing information to border patrol agents.


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