Utah Man Robs Bank of $1 and Orders Tellers to Call the Police


March 8, 2023

According to the Salt Lake City Police, a man robbed a Salt Lake City bank of $1 on Monday, apparently trying to get into federal prison as soon as possible. A second-degree felony robbery charge has been filed against Donald Matthew Santacroce, 65.


It has been reported that Santacroce approached the bank tellers at a Wells Fargo, located at 299 S Main Street, on March 6 and presented a note that read, “Please pardon me for doing this, but this is a robbery. Please give me $1.00. Thank you.”

The police report that the tellers agreed with Santacroce’s surprising request and gave him a dollar before asking him to leave. According to reports, Santacroce told the teller he would not leave the bank and instructed them to contact the police.

The affidavit states that Santacroce sat in the bank lobby and waited for the police to arrive. During the waiting period, he allegedly told the victims that they were “lucky he didn’t have a gun because it was taking so long for the police to get there.”

At this point, the branch manager reportedly took all the employees into a back room for their safety and locked the doors behind them as they awaited the arrival of the police personnel. In a short time, officers arrived and took Santacroce into custody.

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Donald said he wanted to get arrested in order to serve time in federal prison. According to the arrest report, Donald stated that if he got out of jail, he would rob another bank and ask for more money next time to ensure he went to federal prison.


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