Westmoreland MP Files Countersuit Against Woman He Reportedly Abused in This Video


April 12, 2021

The Westmoreland Central division member of parliament has reportedly made a report of an attack to the police after a video with him and a female that’s reported to be his wife was released, showing an April 6 altercation.


The incident took place in Chester Castle Westmoreland and it could be seen where the two were going at each other violently on CCTV video, however, the police are searching for the member of parliament because his reports to the officers seem to be different from what was shown on the video.

In the video, the MP appears to also be choking the female, after which he uses a stool hit her. Further on in the footage we see the female using a stool to hit the front of the MP’s car.

Minister of Gender, Honourable Olivia Babsy Grange have seen the video and have described the actions of the MP as “disgraceful”.

According to the Star who brought the news, the matter was reported by the woman In the parish of St. James but since then Wright has filed a countersuit, still based on the viral video the police are searching for the Government official for questioning.

Check out the viral video below.

