Whitney Houston DEMO NFT SONG Sold For $999,999


December 15, 2021

With the rise of NFT’s, many avenues are opening for artistes and art investors to make money from their craft, and the most recent big move that took place was a sale for a Whitney Houston NFT in the form of a song that she recorded at the age of 17. The auction was held on December 14, on the platform established by Quincy Jones, Adam Fell, entrepreneur Lin Dai, and digital media expert Joshua Jones.


The NFT was bought for $999,999 and is currently the most expensive bid for an NFT on the Tezos (XTZ) blockchain platform that the NFT marketplace OneOf was built for. The full collection of the OneOf platform also features videos and rare images. 

The person who won the auction has now gotten personal access to the vault that OneOf keeps the Whitney Houston NFT in which also contains a video done by Diana Sinclair. The collection according to musicbusinessworldwide.com contains other less expensive NFT’s with rare images of the Popstar when she was younger.

The OneOf NFT platform was launched in August.

Learn more from the video below.


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