Witness Explains How He TRICKED Klansman Gang Members into Believing Police Investigator Was His Uncle


November 3, 2021

The second witness who took the stand last week and has been testifying since then from a private location in the Klansman trial explained a day ago how he got in touch with a member of the Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigations (CTOC), he later detailed how he managed to trick fellow members of the Blackman Faction of the gang into believing that an investigator was his uncle.


The state witness earlier explained that he let private Investigators listen to a conversation that he had with gang leader Blackman and another high ranking member of the gang name City Puss. That conversation led to the witness collecting $150,000 from a female member of the gang called Mumma (accused Stephanie Christie), the witness took the money and brought a private investigator to Jones Avenue, the gang’s headquarters in Spanish Town.

The money taken from Mumma was used to buy a gun on Jones Avenue and while in the process of doing so the witness introduced the private investigator to fellow gang members as his uncle. After the transaction was done the witness and the investigator met up with other investigators, this was the second gun that the witness handed over to the police.

The first gun that was handed over, according to the witness was a gun that Blackman gave him to repair.

The witness is expected to continue his testimony in the coming days.

The trial which involves 33 members of the feared Klansman Gang from St. Catherine is well on the way and more shocking testimonies are being reported each week. The trial is expected to run deep into 2022 and cost the island about 50 million.


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