Woman Abducted and Robbed in Mountain View by Taxi Driver… She gives Details

A woman almost lost her life in an illegal cab that picked her up along Glenmuir ave in the Mountain View area of Kingston, however, she managed to escape with minor injuries.

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The female stated that after she was picked up and travelling in the car, one of the men involved told her to give him her bag as he did not want to hurt her, however, the woman declined after which the man proceeded to grab her around her neck, telling her not to move.

The woman told the Gleaner that once the man grabbed her neck, she screamed for them to release her in the name of Jesus, which she did three times.

The men were begging her to be quiet, eventually pushing her head in the seat doing so while trying to cover her mouth, which she fought them from doing.

The traumatised female said, she started to kick everywhere which led to the man trying to hold her, alighting with a knife making an effort to stick her in the belly.

The woman said that was when she began to attack the man, after which they told her they would let her out.

They eventually stopped the car after taking her bag and lunch bag whereafter she immediately jumped out of the vehicle, and started to run.

She stated that at the point she came out of the vehicle, the man who tried stabbing her was in the trunk of the vehicle waiting to grab her and put her in but she ran so fast they just drove the car off.

The lady then contacted the police who took information from her and told her they would be investigating the matter.

In the video that the Jamaica Gleaner posted, the woman’s face was not shown however the footage shows clearly that she was bleeding from her head, and had blood smothered over her clothes.

Watch the report below.


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