Woman Asks To Be Excused From Jury To Be With Her Sugar Daddy


April 8, 2022

A very intriguing and unexpected reason to be dismissed from jury duty arouse in Broward County, Florida last Monday, when a female prospective juror informed the Judge that being a part of the jury would conflict with seeing her sugar daddy.


During the first day of jury selection for the sentencing phase of the Parkland shooting trial, a woman presented several reasons why she could not be on the panel, with the most interesting excuse being her “sugar daddy”.

“First of all, let me clarify myself. July 7th is my birthday, the 4th is my son’s birthday, and the 18th is my other son, so that ain’t gonna work out for me,” the potential juror started off by saying.

Broward County Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer went over the dates with the woman and, after doing so, she gave her the biggest reason why should not serve on the jury. “Then again, I need to figure out something,” she added. “I have my sugar daddy that I see every day.”

Judge Scherer informed the potential juror that she did not understand, which made the woman spill a bit more detail on the matter. “Well, I’m married and I have my sugar daddy, and I see him every day,” the woman clarified.

After being told that she would be addressed later by the judge, the woman was subsequently dismissed from jury duty.

As for the other jurors who were to be selected, they will be deciding upon the fate of the convicted Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter Nikolas Cruz, who pleaded guilty in October to killing 17 people and injuring 17 others at the Parkland school in February 14, 2018. The jury will decide whether the convict will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment.

Check out video with the potential juror below

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