10 Percent Increase In Murders In Jamaica For 2021


December 29, 2021

Some statistics have been released as it relates to the number of murders that have been committed across the island and Youtuber Sir P from the Politricks Watch, was so stunned by what he saw that he shared the information as a part of a personal analysis he did.


Several divisions across the island recorded an increase in the number of murders committed, as compared to the numbers for last year which reflected that there were 1308 killings in the previous year which has now been surpassed at an amount of 1439, signalling a 10 per cent increase in the particular criminal offence which might just place Jamaica in the to 5 countries where murder rates are concerned.

Some of the shocking numbers as shown by the YouTuber occurred in Southern St. Andrew with a total of 162 killings increasing their last year’s count of 141 by 14.9 percent, St. James saw its murder count increasing by 29.8 percent from 121 to 157 this year.

Other areas that recorded increases in murder are St. Catherine Southern division, with an 18.9 percent increase from 111 to this year’s number of 132, West Kingston with a 13.7 percent increase from an amount of 95 to 108 and Clarendon with a 1 percent increase from 103 in last year to a now 104 count.

The biggest increase, however, came from the rural parish of Westmoreland who had a shocking increase of murders totalling a climb of 59.5 percent, coming from 79 murders to now 126. This is very shocking since the year is not over as yet and all this occurred amid Covid-19 lockdowns which leads one to think about what the numbers would be like in regular times.

Some areas also reported a cut in crime such as Trelawny, and St. Catherine North, with the parish of Portland not having many murders either even though, killings in the parish in the past years were rare.

RELATED: Double Murder in Westmoreland – Video Report

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