2 Women Fighting at Workplace Entrance – Watch Video


September 1, 2023

A fight broke out between two women outside of a local business place locally. The physical altercation that involved many slaps, kicks, and even a stone was caught on camera and shared online.


The footage did not show what started the dispute, given that it began with one of the semi-formally dressed women trying to hit the other with what appeared to be a stone.


The stone thrower, despite being warned by the retreating female to be careful of hitting her, decided to throw a street cone at her rival. Both attempts to hit the woman with the stone and the street cone failed, leading to another attempt with a different street cone.

After throwing the cone, the female fell while seemingly trying to run, and the other woman retaliated by kicking her. The woman retaliated and hit the first female with her hands a few times before retrieving a phone from the ground and continuing the fight on foot.

It ended shortly after they were striking each other inside a security post, which was when a guard managed to separate them.

Watch the video of the fight below:


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