47-Y-O Woman Chopped to Death by Partner in Bull Bay


December 17, 2022

A manhunt has been launched by law enforcement for a man who chopped his partner to death following a domestic dispute. The deadly attack began with an altercation between the victim and her common-law partner; however, the motives for the attack are yet to be disclosed.


The victim has been identified as 42-year-old Sonia Campbell.

Another woman who witnessed the incident and was injured is currently being treated at the hospital. The witness is alleged to have intervened but was injured in the process.

“Us women need to understand ourselves and stop forgive men when they do certain things to us. Once u start having problems in ur relationship, Leave the crawsis dem alone!!! Not every situation deserves forgiveness,” a viewer expressed on the matter via Facebook.

The incident took place on Friday, December 16th, at 8:30 p.m. in Bull Bay, St. Andrew.

The total number of people murdered this year is slowly approaching 1500, despite the recent islandwide implementation of SOEs.

According to the most recent Jamaica Constabulary Force statistics, 1442 people have been murdered since the beginning of 2022, as of December 12, 2022.


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