6-year-old Jamaican Publishes Her First Book


September 14, 2022

A 6-year-old Jamaican, Sapphire Cadogan, is blessed with creative and artistic talent along with the means to articulate such artistry into words. Her ability to immerse listeners into her world of imagination and adventure through her storytelling and drawings is exceptional.


This talent has afforded her the necessary materials to become one of Jamaica’s youngest authors. She started the most recent installment in the chapter of her life with her first book entitled The Magical Fruits, illustrated by partner talent Andre Rankine. The story is self-published and available on the global marketplace that is Amazon. The body of work by Cadogan will soon be made available on the island.

Cadogan has a brand called SMC Sales which she wishes to use to promote good habits and spread her colourful imagination with children from all over the world. She stated, “I love telling my stories and thinking about fun things to do, so I can’t wait to share that with everyone.”

Her father Greg Cadogan also stated that armed with their tools of fun and creativity, they plan to continue to provide appealing stories that will inspire reading as a pastime and spark the imaginative minds of children through non-fiction.

Sapphire’s mother, Audia, relayed that the story came to fruition under the copious strains of the Corona Virus lockdown period. She said that her daughter’s creativity bloomed during this time without the regular outlet of a physical school to channel her time. Thus, after online classes ended daily, her parents would create their very own story time sessions to occupy her time.

She continued by voicing, “she would grab her pencils, crayons and art supplies, sit in the living room and draw the various scenes from her stories, which she thoroughly enjoyed doing.”

After a time, Audia said that as her parents, they collected the records she made and later had them transcribed, and the process ended in her first publication. Audia declared, “her father and I are immensely proud to see her accomplish her dream of becoming an author,” and also admitted to looking forward to her future endeavours.

Sapphire’s parents voiced that her input to the publishing process has been fundamental and that some of her sample drawings have been included in the story. The young go-getter even suggested that other activities be included in the book as she wished to light the fire of creativity in others.

She announced, “I just want my friends from all around the world to join the adventure and have fun.”

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