80-Year-Old Retired Nun and School Principal Embezzles School Funds For A Decade


February 9, 2022

A retired 80-year-old nun and elementary school principal from Los Angeles, has been sentenced to one year in federal prison. Mary Margaret Kreuper worked at Torrance’s St. James Catholic School for 28 years as a principal and embezzled over $835,000 over a 10 year period from 2008 to 2018.


It is reported that Kreuper falsified financial reports which were then used to convince the St. James School Administration that the funds were being appropriately managed. This allowed her to be able to fund her gambling habit at the casinos and for charges incurred on her credit card while being undetected for over a decade.

Along with the time to be served in federal prison, U.S. District Court Judge Otis D. Wright II also ordered Kreuper to repay the school approximately $835,000 as restitution. At the sentencing, Kreuper expressed much regret for her actions and asked for forgiveness from the persons that were affected.

“I have sinned, I’ve broken the law and I have no excuses,” she said. “My actions were in violation of my vows, my commandments, the law and, above all, the sacred trust that so many had placed in me. I was wrong and I’m profoundly sorry for the pain and suffering I’ve caused so many people” Mary Margaret Kreuper stated.

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