High Court Judge will say if Beachy Stout can be Released on Bail Today

Everton ‘Beachy Stout’ McDonald who is a popular businessman from Portland, will learn if he will be granted bail today, May 4th after he was accused of murdering his two wives.

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Justice Vinnette Graham-Allen is the High Court Judge that was expected to tell the court if she had decided to grant him bail on Monday.

However, the judge said she could not deal with the matter when the 67-year-old businessman and his co-accused Astor ‘Tiny’ Barnes appeared in the Home Circuit Court via Zoom, because of that both of them are still in custody.

Astor Barnes who resides in Annotto Bay, St Mary was charged with the killing of Hamilton McDonald, Denvalyn ‘Bubble’ Minott, a fisherman from Portland was also charged in the case.

RELATED: Tonia McDonald, Beachy Stout’s Wife Purchased Gun Right before her Death

Denvalyn ‘Bubble’ Minott

These two men are charged along with McDonald with conspiracy to murder and murder. 50-year-old Minott pleaded guilty to the murder last September and he was sentenced to 19 years in prison and he won’t be eligible for parole until after he has served 10 years.

On July 20, 2020 Tonia ‘Sassy’ Hamilton McDonald who was 32, was found dead after her throat was slashed, her body was outside a burning car on a main road in Sherwin Forest, Portland. 

The police were informed that McDonald had paid $3 million to have her killed, this caused them to revisit the case in which the first wife Merlene was shot in 2009. She was killed in her driveway after she had parked her car at her home in Boundbrook, Port Antonio, Portland.

first wife Merlene

RELATED: Tonia McDonald, Beachy Stout’s Wife Purchased Gun Right before her Death


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