WATCH: Attempted Robbery Leaves 2 Gunmen Dead as Licenced Firearm Holder Retaliates in St. Elizabeth – Graphic Content


December 24, 2023

Two men who are suspected of being robbers were gunned down by a licenced firearm holder at an event in St. Elizabeth after they tried to rob a business establishment.


Reports state that the incident took place Sunday morning in Tryall Square, St. Elizabeth, and the slain individuals have been identified as Chevon ‘Munga’ Hall and Christopher Gardener of Clarendon. According to the authorities, another person is suspected to be involved in the attempted robbery.

See picture of Victim 1: Here

See picture of Victim: 2 Here

Footage of the robbery shows the inside of what seems to be a bar with at least two persons inside and a man holding a gun. The robber, wearing some sort of head covering, holds the man and woman at gunpoint and soon others are ushered into the room by a second gunman.

The second gunman then goes behind the counter and is seemingly taking any valuables that could be found while his partner looks out.

Shortly after, the gunman closest to the door leans out the doorway, a man in a blue shirt then uses the opportunity to pull a gun from his waist and opens fire at the gunman behind the counter

Startled, the gunman by the door takes off running and the licenced firearm holder pursues him.

Watch the full video of the incident HERE: CLICK

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