Beachy Stout’s Son Andre Mcdonald Released On Bail After Being Charged For Murder Of Wife


November 15, 2021

Andre Mcdonald the son of popular 67-year-old Portland Businessman, ‘Beachy Stout’ who was accused of murdering both his wives was released on bail last Friday, from the Bexar County Jail in the USA. In a story of 2 Jamaicans doing well overseas. Andreen Mcdonald was a successful business woman and Manager while her Husband Mr. Mcdonald was a veteran in the US army.


According to Ksat news, 42-year-old Andre Mcdonald’s bond was recognized by way of court documents to be an amount of $250,000, which was lowered from an orginal $550,000. Andre Mcdonald was booked for the death of his wife which included him reportedly having her body burnt, as well as a booking for evidence tampering.

Andreen was reported missing on February 28, 2019, by family members and friends and following that situation, husband Andre was being contemplated as the primary suspect. McDonald was questioned about his wife’s disappearance, however, It was reported that his information about her whereabouts did not align reasonably, and was said to have even stopped working with authorities on solving the mystery.

McDonald was first arrested just a week after his wife’s disappearance, and at that time he was charged for tampering with evidence but eventually was released due to a bond he got a month after.

Andreen’s body remnants were eventually found in July of 2019, in Bexar County at a private property stated to be quite a distance up north, which resulted in her husband being slapped with the murder charge and rearrested. The trial date for Andre Mcdonald is set for January, while a court hearing has been scheduled for him to appear before the judge at the beginning of December.

On the other hand, Andre’s father Everton McDonald aka ‘Beachy Stout’ was denied bail back in June by Justice Vinette Allen Graham with regards to the murder of his two wifes. According to the Supreme Court judge, Everton is considered to be dangerous with the ability to hire assassins. It’s also believed that should McDonald be granted bail he may go into hiding given the situation he is in and the sentences that may be imposed.


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