Beres Hammond talks about Reggae Festivals and More


October 19, 2018

In a recent interview Beres Hammond an entertainer who has been in the music business for the longest time, had a lot to say about what he has seen happening with Reggae music in many places around the world.


He said “In Jamaica we are playing with our product, Reggae is life and it is making many persons rich abroad, and they are treating it as if it is theirs. While there are some Jamaican artistes who have a little money and they are putting up videos on YouTube about their rich lifestyle, when they are not wealthy. They can become wealthy if they stop quarrelling with each other and look at what they can do with Reggae music.”

“Riches will be gone in a day” he said. Protege and Chronix has a good thing going on and he wanted to see more artistes like them performing in more places, as there are many Reggae Festivals all over the world and they are kept for many days, not just 3 days and 2 days like we have them here in Jamaica. They are kept for 7 days and more and the patrons are never weary, these festivals are supported, so the promoters are making a lot of money.

“Having more Reggae Festivals in Jamaica would be good for the country”, he said. It is clear that Beres is thinking about the future of the Reggae Music Industry and the young Jamaicans. He says “Reggae can make the whole country rich, not just a few artistes here and there.”

When he was asked what he would be doing if he wasn’t in the music business, he said he thinks the world has so much wealth but some persons don’t want to share. He would want to start a revolution that would compel them to share their wealth, so that there would be no more poor people suffering every day.

A new track that is called “I’m Alive” is being promoted by the legendary musician at this time and it seems clear that he is happy to be alive, when so many of his colleagues have passed on or they have no new music and they only perform when persons want to listen to oldies but goodies. It is truly great for Beres to be still performing and making new music.


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