Christian Obumseli’s Brother Cries Out For Justice, Courtney Tailor Walks Around Free


April 11, 2022

Christian ‘Toby’ Obumseli has been lying in the morgue for a week since he was fatally stabbed and his girlfriend, who was the alleged killer covered in his blood, has not been charged. In fact, Courtney Tailor was seen at a hotel, where she was filmed by someone who did not like her being there.


Tailor received a lot of backlash from this video, which showed her in the lobby area of Miami’s Grand Beach Hotel last Friday night. The person recording the video argued that she should not be there and named Tailor as the killer. However, the police have not named anyone as a suspect in the homicide.

The video, which was uploaded to Instagram, also had a caption questioning if Tailor looked mentally unstable, which was in reference to Tailor previously being admitted into a psychiatric hold after threatening suicide when she was brought in for questioning.

According to Tailor’s attorney, Frank Prieto, she was there with her father who wanted to have a drink and Prieto also stated Tailor had suffered “physical, emotional, and mental abuse at the hands of Mr. Obumseli”. He also said that she was a “victim of human trafficking,” and “Courtney acted in self-defense”.

However, with more content resurfacing, a large amount of the support that the Obumseli family was receiving has decreased since old tweets from Toby started making rounds online which displayed hateful comments about black women being “loud” and disgraceful.

The tweets, some of which went as far back as 2012 when he was a teenager, degraded black women and claimed that “black girls are born knowing how to shake they ass”. Toby’s tweets added that he would never date black girls while he expressed his love for white people and even went on to say he always wanted to be white characters growing up around Halloween time. See some of the tweets below.

With the criticism that Toby has been receiving from these tweets, Jeffery Obumseli wrote that while his family “strongly disagree with the ignorant and repulsive tweets,” it still did not “diminish” their family “demand for a thorough investigation into Toby’s murder or negate the necessity for justice”.

Jeffery’s statement went on to call out Tailor’s actions after the death of her boyfriend as lacking remorse and pointed out her casual outing at the hotel. He continued by claiming that Tailor was being “treated differently because of her privilege as a wealthy white woman”. He blamed the law enforcement for ruling out murder without conducting an in depth investigation. He indicated being that “Courtney acknowledges that Toby did not have a weapon” and she was not injured that day, self-defence was not possible.

At the end of his statement, he added “We have a long legal battle ahead of us to ensure justice is served. I need your support. My family needs your support. We cannot do this without community.”

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