Donald Trump’s Power Slowly but Surely Slipping Away


January 13, 2021

The outgoing president of the USA Donald Trump is currently in hot water with fellow leaders of the nation he ruled for 4 years. “he must go, he is a clear and present danger to the nation we all love” states a speaker in the house.


Currently, Trump takes no responsibility for what took place last week in the US capital, outlining that he does not stand for political violence “no true supporter of mine could ever support political violence” he stated hours ago.

Last week a phone call conversation leaked with the president, in one instance in the hour-long audio Trump suggested that “there is nothing wrong in saying you have recalculated”, after urging the official he was talking to, to recalculate the results of the election, he also went ahead to explain how many more votes he needed to win.

On January 13th Trump was impeached a second time as a consequence of his recent actions.

One person jokingly said “Couldn’t get a second term but get a second impeach, lol” while another Commented “It took a week for Trump to condemn the actions of the supporters he so loves…smh…a leader would have condemned the actions as it was unfolding that day NOT a week later”.

It has been a terrible week for Trump has he was banned days ago from all social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Learn more from this breaking news story in the news report below.

RELATED: Donald Trump Banned From Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

RELATED: Donald Trump Advocates a Raise For The Covid Relief Fund From $600 to $2000

RELATED: LEAKED: Phone call from Trump trying to Change Election Result
