Drunk Judge Crashes Her Car and Tries To Have Her Way At Police Station – Video


January 14, 2022

This video has been making rounds online, it shows the moment a USA judge was found helpless in her car after an accident. After the police found out that she was drunk, she was taken to the police station where she tried to order the cops around and asked for them to take her home.


She was unable to persuade the cops to let her go, “Take me home” she demanded. She was placed in a holding cell and subsequently charged for driving under the influence of alcohol. Interestingly, her initial fine was reduced when she appeared in front of another judge from $1075 to $375, her sentence was also reduced significantly.

One person commented, “Disgusting that her sentence was reduced and also disgusting that she’s still on the bench. Any other lawyer would likely be suspended from practising law or disbarred,” another said, “This is really a disgrace for a judge. I’ll bet she’s sentenced a lot of people for DUIs in her time. If you are drunk and crash your vehicle and the cops get involved you are very likely to be arrested. I guess she thought that since she is a judge she would get away with it.”

Watch the happenings below.


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