Former Reggae Boy Said his ‘door was kicked down by soldiers’ in Tivoli


June 10, 2020

Former national Reggae Boy, Steve Green, says he is left distraught following the treatment he received from the security forces in West Kingston earlier this week.


Green made his debut for Jamaica in 1996, he played twice for the national senior team, twice for the under 23s, six times for the under 20s, and eight times for the under 17s.

According to Green the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) soldiers kicked in his door during a joint military/police operation in the Tivoli Gardens community.

Green revealed that he was by his mother’s house during the exchange of gunfire between the security forces and criminal faction in the community but was “frightened when he got home and saw his door kicked off. ”

Green said Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) soldiers forcefully entered his home in Tivoli Gardens earlier this week during a joint military/police operation in the community.

“The people next door said they told the soldiers that ‘the baller live next door’ and they didn’t care, they just kicked off my door,” he said. “That leave mi traumatised,” added Green

[videopress kVZJPlXT]

“Police fired ah whole heap of shots inna the place and beat ah whole heap of yute innocently. The police and the soldiers are moving like gangsters,” . another angry resident also told a reporter

According to the police a team of officers went into the area to conduct an operation and came under heavy gunfire from men carrying high powered weapons.

The police also belives that criminals set the Ray Ray market on fire that same night due to the incident with the police.

[videopress 3jy6ELbt]

A large section of the market was destroyed by fire that same night, millions of goods up in flames.


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