Government Approves 28.5 Per Cent Increase In Minimum Wage


February 22, 2022

The Minister of Labour Karl Samuda has announced that the national minimum wage will be moved from an amount of $7000 per week to $9000 reflecting a 28.5 per cent increase.


This is set to take effect by the 1st of April and is slated to encompass the 40-hour workweek. Security guards will also be experiencing a raise as Cabinet has approved for their wages to be increased from $9700 to $10,500 for the 40-hour workweek.

The last time there was an increase, was in the year 2018, on August 1st Emancipation day when the minimum wage was moved from $6700 to $7000 for the 40 hour workweek.

At that point Security guards had their wages increased by 9.6 per cent which saw their 40-hour workweek payment move from $8,854 to $9700.

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