144 Jamaican Mongrel Dogs Adopted by Canadians


March 17, 2021

Last Saturday many Jamaican Mongrels got the opportunity to migrate to Canada where persons had already adopted them and others were trying to figure out if welcoming the dogs in their homes would be a good idea.


Tammy Browne, the director of the Montego Bay Animal Haven who spearheaded the first international dog adoption program revealed that the mongrels also known as Terriers went on a chartered flight. She stated that the Jamaican Mongrels are liked because of their size and toughness.

Browne is grateful to all the companies in Jamaica that supported the mission. She spoke about the care that the animals need and how hard it is for Jamaicans to afford to do what is needed to keep them healthy.

144 dogs were sent on the flight.

The shelter now has close to 300 dogs and Covid-19 has made it hard for them to get the right care. It is good that there are some Jamaicans who love animals and they are trying to assist, now that the scraps from the hotels are not being sent to Animal Haven anymore.

Check out the new report below.
