Kanye West Says He Had The Coronavirus and No Longer Supports Trump


July 9, 2020

In an interview done with American rapper Kanye West by Forbes, the rapper is making it clear that he no longer supports Donald Trump and that he had contracted the coronavirus.


Kanye West who had in the past been seen supporting and even hanging out with the current president of the United States has stated in the interview with Forbes that everything looks like what he calls a mess where the presidency is concerned.

The rapper mentioned that amidst the protest about racism and police brutality he does not like the fact that he heard that he had heard that Donald Trump moved into an underground bunker.

He further commented to Forbes that he would be running for the coveted spot of the president of the United States of America even though he missed the deadlines to do so.

The “Jesus is King” Artist told the interview that at the time when he should have got his name on the ballots he was sick with the coronavirus and had to be home trying to overcome it.

He further mentioned that America needs special people to lead and Kanye West is one of them.

Kanye West however has not taken any steps regarding him running for the presidency due to him claiming to have contracted the illness even though there is no proof of that.

He further commented on the topics of freedom and his spiritual awaking making it known that it is all bout God and that people need to stop doing things that get God mad.


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