Kaylan wants “Curry Chicken”… Mother gives Positive Updates on her Recovery to TVJ News – Video Report


January 27, 2021

Hospitalized teen Kaylan Dowdie is improving says her mother Veneshia Buckley in a recent interview with TVJ News, she detailed that Kaylan is now talking even though it’s in whispers.


According to Veneshia, Kaylan’s main concerns are going back home and getting curry chicken to eat.

The mother said “i’m feeling great… she is improving” explaining that it’s a good feeling being able to talk to Kaylan and get an emotional response rather than just talking to her without any response.

More upbeat than before, Miss Buckley urges Jamaican to “please donate” blood to the Jamaica blood bank to assist Kaylan and others who might be in need because the bank is currently low on blood.

Watch her interview below.
