Konshens’s Wife “Latoya” Accused of Being Scammer


August 16, 2020

According to a Grenadian female, Latoya Spence dancehall star Konshens’s wife scammed her out of her “hard-working money”. She went on to state that it did not only happen to her alone as it happened to her friends also.


“I was sold an empty dream, i was sold an empty promise by scamming Latoya Spence aka latts ” states the upset woman who goes by the name Tally.

The accuser claims that Latoya “single-handedly” took the money from herself and others, she went on to explain that she was scammed out of money she had for her kids, “i haven’t work from march and you still turn around and scam mi money”.

Tally states that she will keep posting about Latoya all day and even write in the papers to make sure her news is heard by as many people as possible. She went on to claim that Latoya has been taking people’s money for weeks.

Latoya however responded to the viral video of Tally calling her a scammer, Latoya stated that the group Tally was in left her organization and had bad experiences because of their attitute to Forex Exchange.

According to Latoya going into Forex money trading is the best thing she has ever done in her life, she expressed that she is confident in what she Does. Latoya also explained that people with various issues called her after they started her system and express how much the venture has impacted their lives in a positive way.

RELATED: Woman here Feeling Up Konshens and Wife at a Party [Video]

Konshens and wife Latoya

On a more positive note Konshens recently recently released a music video for his song titled “Backaz” and it’s currently trending in Jamaica.

RELATED: Konshens Sings About DELUS Suicide and Begs People Not to Do it


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