LEAKED: Phone call from Trump trying to Change Election Result


January 3, 2021

The latest NBC news report includes a phone call from the current president of the USA Donald Trump and based on what he is saying on the phone he is hopelessly trying his best to turn around the results of the 2020 presidential election.


In one instance in the hour-long audio Trump suggested that “there is nothing wrong in saying you have recalculated”, after urging the official he was talking to, to recalculate the results, he also went ahead to explain how many more votes he needed to win.

Currently, Trump and his team do not have enough evidence to overturn the result however he is not letting up on his pursuit to change the results and stop Joe Biden from becoming the USA’s next president.

One person agreed with Trump and commented that “If Republicans want to investigate voter fraud, they should start with this” while another who did not agree with the president said “The most corrupt president in the history of the United States. SHAMEFUL!”.

Check out the news report below which includes audio from the controversial phone call.

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