Lincoln 3Dot and Track Starr to Take Legal Action Against Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion for “Bongos” Which Seemingly Copied “Bang”


September 8, 2023

Following the release of American rappers Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B’s latest collaboration, Bongos, Jamaican deejay Lincoln 3Dot and producer Track Starr are reportedly preparing to sue as their 2021 track Bang was allegedly plagiarized to create the new single.


After the release of their highly successful single WAP in 2020, Cardi B and Megan debuted their follow-up single Bongos on Friday. While the track garnered praise from the rappers’ fans, it left Lincoln 3Dot scratching his head and questioning if he was imagining things or being blatantly copied.


After sharing his suspicions on social media, the Don’t Trust Nobody deejay disclosed to Urban Islandz that he and Track Starr “definitely want to take legal action” as they believe Cardi B’s producer, James D. Steed, sampled Bang without obtaining authorisation. Lincoln 3Dot has placed the blame squarely on Steed, who the artiste said knows Track Starr and follows him on Instagram.

According to Lincoln 3Dot, Bang was not sampled from existing music, and he and his producer have sole rights to the single’s copyright, which includes publishing and streaming. The artiste credited Track Starr as the creator of the song’s beat, which was a Dominican Republic-style rhythm.


Lincoln 3Dot further disclosed that he intends to seek legal representation as Bongos continues to gain traction. Following the track’s release earlier today, it has so far garnered over 2.9 million views and 244,000 likes on YouTube.

Watch the video below.


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