LISTEN: Alkaline Tells MPs They’re Sleeping In “System”


October 29, 2021

The Vendetta boss Alkaline, teamed up with Autobamb Records and BlackSpyda Records on this brand new social commentary song entitled “System” which was done in a similar vocal style to his recent song “Sell-Off”.


Alkaline kicks things off with a bold statement saying “System a fuckery”, going on to talk about his reasons for saying such a thing by outlining that jobs are not available for the people leading to them choosing crime. He also called out Politicians in the song by telling the MPs that they are sleeping.

The “Vendetta Boss”, then went on in the track to talk about how the people are being tricked while still ending up paying the cost.

The song shows that Alkaline took a very mature approach in crafting the track as he can be heard in the song defending the education of the children, promoting unity and posing real questions to the leaders of the country concerning their strategies.

“System” is certainly a song for the times we are in, and the critical social commentary song is currently available on the artiste’s Alkaline Musiq page, on YouTube with a well put together animated visualizer created by

Listen to the full song below.


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