Man Loses 3 Sons To Gun Violence In 8 Years


December 20, 2021

Lloyd Myers is a struggling man emotionally as he is at loss at how to embrace knowing he has lost another son within an 8-year time frame, which is shocking enough to hear but when considering that it is now his 3rd son that has fallen victim to gun violence it becomes something to think about.


The most recent son to lose their life is Mario Myers who was shot and killed while walking along the Water Lane Road, towards the gully on South Camp Road. 30-year-old Mario had an occupation as a construction worker and according to his father, he also played football.

Shot and killed alongside Myers was 32 year old Carlington Williams otherwise known as Black Bottle, from a Central Kingston community. According to the deeply hurt father, the only person who would understand what he is going through at this time is his little brother who is just as shaken up by the incident as him, which makes him not want to be a burden to him.

Lloyd Myers told the Jamaica Star who initially published the story that his first of five sons Romario was taken less than 10 years ago in a drive-by and his second son Demar in a rivalry situation where even though he was innocent according to the father, he was shot in the head.

Now the memories seemed to be wreaking havoc in Myers’s head as just six years after he lost Demar, he has now lost Mario, who was shot with the other mentioned man from behind while walking on the road.

After getting shot, the Central Kingston Police Division reported that the men ran to the gully to escape but were unfortunately pounced upon by another man armed with a gun who eventually caught up to them and shot them multiple times.

Reminiscing on his son, the father said on a Sunday Mario would usually visit him as he would cook and they would talk before he leaves. Myers described his son to be jovial who would easily get along with people.

Even in his moment of great distress, Myers is calling out for the tours to stop the violence as they are fighting over non-user, which could be talked over to avoid escalations because, in the end, people will always get hurt.


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