Matthew Samuda Suggests JLP Versus PNP Plastic Collection Competition


August 30, 2022

In light of the growing plastic waste problem that has plagued the country and is the source of endless discussion every hurricane season, as the poorly disposed of waste consistently clogs drains, Minister Matthew Samuda has suggested a plastic collection competition.


According to the Jamaica Gleaner, Samuda is suggesting that Jamaica’s major political parties, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and the People’s National Party (PNP), use the competitive nature of politics to collect the substantial plastic garbage that exists in the environment.

“JLP versus PNP plastic collection. There is nothing more competitive than politics anywhere in the world. I propose that as a mechanism to help collect the significant plastic waste in the environment, that we mobilise the political base of both parties, and we compete to see who can collect the most,” Samuda stated during a Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation plastic forum.

Samuda, who is the minister with responsibility for the environment, said that the competition could begin as soon as the deposit refund scheme was legislated. The program entails charging a deposit fee at the moment of sale, which will be repaid to the buyer when the bottle is returned using a specially created system. According to Samuda, the competition would show political maturity, marking a transition of growth in the political theory around environmental management and protection.


RELATED: Plastics are expected to outweigh fish in the ocean by 2050

RELATED: Nepa – Plastic Ban: 50% of waste collected from JA’s coastlines are Plastics and Styrofoams


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