Mavado Addresses “Fake” Warrant Allegations and $30M Theft by Jennifer Messado – Watch Videos


September 29, 2022

Mavado has seemingly finally responded to the allegations of a warrant being out for him under his birth name, David Brooks, by way of an Instagram account a few hours ago. He stated in a captioned comment, “let hear what the judge has to say tomorrow about this fake warrant and this criminal elements that stole my 30 million dollars going 5 years now without a night in jail.” He tagged the following people in the message; Mark Golding, JCF, The Jamaica Star, Prime Minister Andrew Holness, The Jamaica Observer, The Jamaica Gleaner, and Miniter Olivia Grange.


The dancehall artiste remarked, “it seems as if some officers assigned to the Constant Spring police station, Jennifer Messado and her people are conspiring against me.” The deejay noted that the officers who arrested his son and the ones who are outspoken about a warrant for him are one and the same. Mavado said that when he moved from the island a few years ago, his lawyers, both in and out of the country, were in constant dialogue with the JCF and there was never any mention of a warrant out for his arrest.

“My lawyers – both overseas and in Jamaica, were in regular communication with the Jamaica Constabulary Force and there was never any mention of aby outstanding warrants, nothing like that was said to my lawyers over a 4 year period,” he said.

Mavado was due to attend court for an incident where he alleged that 30 Million was stolen from him by Messado. He stated that Messado’s attorney, Christopher Townsend, mentioned in court that there was a warrant out for Mavado’s arrest and thus, he was remiss in attending court in an effort to avoid prosecution.

However, Mavado is positive that justice will be served as he has proof that Messado is a thief. He admitted that he spoke with Townsend and who confirmed his client’s wrongdoings.

“Furthermore Townsend is well aware his client stole my money and said to me personally he would give it back, and I have proof,” he stated. He continued by saying that the JCF has failed to give any public statements and asked, “are the JCF embarrassed to do so because they know its manufactured? A lot of questions need to be answered PPL.”

The ‘Boy Like Me‘ singer vocalized that on the morning of the most recent court date, he received a call on his business number by the DPP’s second in command asking about the warrant. No one contacted was aware of any warrant and no physical documentation of one could be produced. Mavado says, “I am calling on the DPP office to do their job and thoroughly investigate just when this warrant was written so that they are not seen to be enabling this corruption.”

The entertainer proceeded to ask why Townsend is not being investigated for false testament and why Messado has yet to be charged for scamming and money laundering years after the fact. He posted a video of Messado posing as a mad woman in Half Way Tree and another of her which proves she is of sound mind. “I would like to remind the judge that this woman was of sound mind when she stole my 30 MILLION and is of sound mind today,” he said.

Watch the videos below:

RELATED: Mavado Points Out “LEGAL SCAMMER” to Andrew Holness and the JCF

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RELATED: Is There An Arrest Warrant Out For Mavado? Office of the Director Of Public Prosecutions To Present Findings


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