Mother Shoots Babyfather Infront of Their Son – Watch Video


February 21, 2023

A disturbing video circulating online shows a baby mother trailing her baby’s father’s car and then later shooting him from point-blank range. What makes the video even more unsettling, is that it was all done in front of their young son.


The video uploaded to online shows a light skin woman dressed in a multicolour blouse along with shorts and green and aquamarine hair driving around in a car while talking with one of her friends, the eventual shooter said, “My motherf**king ni**a got my son, and he talking he aint doing shit but I just seen my home girl in a car with him, ah a bi**h, and you got my son ni**a, am go kill this ni**a bro am about to kill this ni**a bro, he thinks am motherf**king play with him.”

Immediately after making her threats, her female friend sitting in the car with her said, “look, look he’s right there.” The mother then proceeded to stop the motor vehicle and exited with a gun in hand, then began confronting her baby’s father asking him, “Why you trying me, why you trying me thou.”

The father who was sitting in a parked car saw the danger he was in and tried to calm down his baby’s mother, whose gun was pointed at him at this time, by saying, “it’s not what it looks like, chill out.”

A female who was in the car with the male quickly exited the vehicle, the mother with the gun took perfect aim at the male and then proceeded to carry out her threats by firing a single bullet which appeared to hit her baby’s father in the head, the male seems unresponsive with many viewers of the video suggesting he might have passed away on the spot.

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After telling her son, who had witnessed the entirety of the incident, to come out of the car, she then grabbed the boy’s hand and sped off, telling her friend who was videotaping the whole incident, not to post it on Instagram.

See the video below:


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