Mr. Vegas Defends Silent Ravers and talk to his Mother – Video

Veteran dancehall artiste Mr. Vegas contacted embattled dancer Silent Ravers about recent happenings online and whether or not he was the one in the videos that have been circulating online.

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According to Mr. Vegas, Silent does not have to explain himself because the person in particular who tricked him online has been going around and doing it to multiple dancehallers including Christopher Martin, Gold Gad and others.

Vegas went on to highlight that Silent must not feel bad because he think it was a girl that he was talking to online.

On the other hand Mr. Vegas also spoke to Silent Ravers motor who claims that she has been torn up over the whole ordeal, she went on to outline that she knows her son has a girls man and know that he was tricked because of his love for girls.

She also explains that at one point she had to stop him from taking girls into the house.

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